Friday, 17 June 2011


If you suffer with the bloating and other discomforts of IBS, like my daughter once did, you might like to try this Aloe Vera drink.

Did you notice the past tense in relation to my daughter? Yes, she was helped by drinking this specific Aloe Vera Gel! The point here, though, is that everyone is different and you'll probably want to find out for yourself which of Forever's 4 Aloe Vera drinks is best for you.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


I was a bit alarmed to read today about the dangers of fluoride in toothpaste!

The feature I was reading said that in the USA fluoride toothpaste comes with a skull and crossbones on the packaging to remind mothers that fluoride - a waste product of fertilizers which was also used in atomic bomb manufacture - is a poison and should not be swallowed.

Certainly, in Britain fluoride toothpaste tubes tell us to use only a pea-sized amount for kids under six.

All this (and there was lots more in the feature!) makes me extra glad that I long ago found Aloe Vera for teeth.

Might you like to follow my lead ... ?

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Here's a question: What's big on protection but small in stature? And my answer is Aloe Lips.  I felt sure you'd want to know about this incredibly versatile little stick! Because it isn't just for lips - although it is a moisturizing (and conditioning) balm to soothe and protect lips in both hot and cold weather.
Because of its rich aloe content I also use mine as a kind of first aid stick for burns, bites and stings. And it's great for cold sores. Brilliant! I understand it has another use, too, but I can't possibly go into that here ...