Monday, 2 July 2012


In a recent Daily Mail top GP Dr Martin Scurr wrote that sometimes he has to eat his hat – as he had just had to do when he heard the latest thinking on vitamin supplements.

Having attended a conference on age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a leading cause of blindness in older people, and expected to hear a talk about Lucentis and Avastin - newly available treatments that are injected directly into the eyeball – he heard about less drastic steps that can prevent or delay the progression of the condition.

Here’s a quote from his feature: ‘This is, in part, a recognition that controlling the risk factors undoubtedly helps – that means smoking, sun exposure (wear those dark glasses), obesity and high blood pressure.

But most importantly, nutrients from three food groups have been proven to help. In particular, these are two carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin, found in greens, oranges, broccoli, egg yolk and some other foods.

The omega-3 essential fatty acids that we hear so much about (from oily fish and hemp oil) also help; and antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, along with added zinc, are thought to be protective.

I have always been steadfastly against people taking extra vitamins, believing we should get all we need from eating the right sort of diet. But in this case, GPs must take into account the relatively high risk of developing this condition – 50% for people who have a relation with AMD, and 12% for those who do not.

And we must also take into account that not everyone is able to incorporate these nutrients in their diets. So you can see why I am doing an about-turn and eating that hat.’

N.B. Forever Vision contains bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin which can improve the circulation to the eyes to support normal healthy eyesight and helps protect the eyes from degeneration, particularly in the macula area of the retina. (60 tablets – code 235) 

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