I simply had to share news of my breakfasts with you! (Are you asking why?) The thing is, I've recently discovered my perfect breakfast. It might not be yours, but let me explain why it's mine ...
Needing to lose weight after over-indulging on my Mexican holiday in January, while I was looking into ways and means I came up with Nutri-Lean. I already knew about this Aloe weightloss programme, of course, having been involved with Forever for years and years, but it had never occurred to me to replace my porridge with a delicious drink.
I don't especially like porridge (but ate it because it was 'good for me'), so the switch was no great sacrifice. I never expected, though, to love my new breakfasts as much as I do. They're such a treat that I can't believe I'm actually losing weight too (although it's a fact that I am)!
Why am I in such heaven when breakfasting? Well, the shake I make with Forever Lite Ultra (Vanilla flavor) + 10 ozs skimmed milk + a banana (that bit's optional; I've tried plain shakes, and once added an apple instead of the banana - and they're all great) is simply beyond delicious.
Now it might be that this is an over-the-top reaction peculiar to me as I'm a bit of an addict when it comes to coffee with froth on the top - or indeed anything that resembles frothy cream. But usually there's a downside to such treats. With my new breakfasts there simply isn't one - and they are giving me a nutritious blend of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates while I lose weight.
Please don't wake me up if I'm only dreaming!
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